Posts by Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown

Popular Cosmetic Procedures Among Olympic Athletes

Do world-class athletes ever have cosmetic procedures? You might be surprised. While Olympics athletes are unlikely to have common cosmetic surgeries such as breast augmentation or liposuction, they often get a little boost from cosmetic surgeons who help them look their best in the limelight. As a recent article on RealSelf explains, looking good on […]

What Does Rhytidectomy Mean?

Have you ever felt as though doctors have a language all their own? Sometimes it’s easy to guess the meaning of names for surgical procedures, such as abdominoplasty, which has something to do with the abdomen. Other times, however, it can seem like words come out of left field. When it comes to words like […]

How Does the SMAS Facelift Work?

Talk shows and online forums are abuzz with chatter about the SMAS facelift: a procedure which goes deeper than the traditional facelift to provide longer lasting results. But what is the SMAS lift, and how does it work? It’s important to know that there are a variety of different facelift procedures. Cosmetic surgeons can perform […]

Mandell-Brown Plastic Surgery Center Hosts Ohio Supreme Court Judges

Two Ohio Supreme Court Judges, Honorable Justice Robert Cupp and Honorable Justice Terrence O’Donnell recently attended a fund raiser held in conjunction with the Ohio State Medical Association and the Cincinnati Academy of Medicine at at the Mandell-Brown Plastic Surgery Center. Director, Mark Mandell-Brown, MD, a Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio plastic surgeon hosted the event […]

How Does the 1-Hour Facelift Work?

It seems to be advertised everywhere these days: the one-hour facelift. But can a facelift surgery really be performed within the course of an hour? What happens during a one-hour facelift? The One-Hour Facelift: What It Is In fact, there are a number of different types of facelifts. These can range from the mini facelift, […]

Facelift Patient Satisfaction by the Numbers

Are facelift patients happy with the results of their procedures? It’s a common myth that people who undergo facelift surgery continue to harbor the same anxieties about their facial aging. In fact, repeated studies have shown that facelift surgery offers long-term satisfaction to patients. Long-Term Satisfaction After Facelift A 2010 study that investigated the satisfaction […]

Improved Techniques for Eyelid Surgery

The highly popular eyelid lift procedure is now being enhanced by the use of an improved surgical technique. Details of this new development in facial cosmetic surgery are discussed in this article in The Wall Street Journal’s MarketWatch. The eyelid lift, or blepharoplasty, treats one of the most common complains of facial aging: excess fat […]

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