Posts by Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown

Breast Implant Illness Syndrome (BILS)

There have been recent web stories circulating about Breast Implant Illness Syndrome. (BILS) These stories are circulating that silicone breast implants are responsible for a variety of illnesses from fibromayalgia, breast cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, and many other illnesses. At the Mandel-Brown Plastic Surgery Center we take these complaints seriously. If a patient desires […]

The Highly Effective Phenol Peel

A phenol peel is the deepest and most effective type of chemical peel. These peels can penetrate deeper into the skin layers than other peel options can, including TCA peels or AHA peels. Phenol peels can solve harsh skin imperfections like acne scars, blotchiness, and coarse wrinkles. Compared to light and medium chemical peels, phenol […]

My Eyelashes Are Falling Out!

Who wouldn’t want gorgeous thick lashes that define the eyes and make them look brighter? The eyes are often what people notice first about you, and having stronger and better-defined lashes can really work wonders for your look. Whether you’ve just always had poor-quality lashes or are now faced with lash loss (a very real […]

The Magic of RHA Fillers

Do you have ugly lines and wrinkles on your face that make you look older than your actual age? Do you want fuller lips? The FDA-approved injectable dermal filler RHA Fillers is an excellent solution for both of these issues. RHA Fillers treatments are among the most common non-surgical procedures carried out in the U.S. […]

Sculptra: Natural Change over Time

There are many different kinds of dermal fillers available today. Some offer quick results while others like Sculptra work to improve the treatment area over a period of time. If you prefer a solution for your wrinkles that can offer you natural-looking results, Sculptra is the answer you’ve been looking for. What is Sculptra? Sculptra […]

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