Posts by Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown

Breast Augmentation Techniques — Cincinnati Implants

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. When you consider that patients come in countless shapes and sizes and with very different goals, breast augmentation techniques have to be just as varied and accommodating. With regard to incisions alone, there have been several advancements as the process continues to evolve. Board-certified plastic surgeon […]

Botox — Cincinnati Injectable Treatments

Since its arrival onto the cosmetic scene a little over ten years ago, Botox has exploded in popularity, totaling well over 10 million procedures performed. Botox is an injectable intended for cosmetic purposes and is a derivative of the botulinum toxin, hence the name. The chemical is injected into the muscles of the face in order to […]

Brazilian Butt Lift — Cincinnati Fat Injections

Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown is a board-certified plastic surgeon offering a great opportunity for patients to enhance their curves and accentuate the butt without the use of any fake implants or scars. The Brazilian butt lift is one of the fastest growing procedures in the country for good reason, and appointments are available now at his […]

Face and Body Fresh Cadaver Workshop

You’re Invited to Attend our Special Pre-Conference Workshop We invite you to join our Face and Body Fresh Cadaver Workshop during the pre-conference for the AACS 31st Annual Scientific Meeting in New Orleans. This all-day workshop will be held at the Louisiana State University Anatomy lab on Tuesday, Jan. 13, from 7:00am to 6:00pm. Special […]

Big Pharma and Advertising

Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown’s dad, Marvin Brown, recently wrote an article for an Ohio magazine called the Senior Times regarding an original article posted in the New York Times about the existence of Big Pharma and advertising. Below is the whole article by Brown. You can also view this article at under the section “Savvy […]

Cosmetic Surgery Expert Responding to the Death of Donda West, Mother of Kanye West

Rapper Kanye West’s mother, Donda West, died unexpectedly following a breast lift and tummy tuck surgery. This tragedy sent shock waves through the cosmetic surgery world. Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown, Cincinnati, Ohio’s top cosmetic surgeon was interviewed on ABC affiliate, Channel 9 TV news regarding the safety of cosmetic surgery. According to Dr. Mandell-Brown, “We should […]

5 benefits of a tummy tuck

Tummy tucks can sometimes be seen only as a cosmetic procedure to become skinnier. Although it is a cosmetic change to your body shape, the benefits can go deeper than just feeling skinny. Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown, a well-known plastic surgeon in Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio; explains there are more benefits to a tummy tuck than […]

Venus Legacy vs. Liposuction

Venus Legacy and liposuction could be seen as two different services that can achieve close to the same goal. However, both services are completely different from the actual procedure performed to recovery time. Why would someone choose one over the other? Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown of The Mandell-Brown Plastic Surgery Center explains the differences between the […]

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