Understanding the Risks of Liposuction

As with any surgical procedure, liposuction carries risks that are present at all times. Although Dr. Mandell-Brown takes all necessary precautions to minimize the risks of surgery for his patients, it is still necessary to inform patients about risks before they choose to undergo a procedure.

The Risks of Liposuction

Anesthesia: Large volume liposuction is often performed under general anesthesia, which induces a deep sleep and requires assisted breathing. With a qualified anesthesiologist, and a healthy patient, this is considered safe. However, there are risks associated with anesthesia that will be discussed with you prior to your procedure. Patients with a history of cardiovascular disease or lung disease should notify the doctor about their condition.

Infection: Another possible liposuction risk is infection, which can result in a kind of toxic shock syndrome caused by the body’s contact with bacteria. Infections can cause serious complications that must be addressed.

Fat embolus is another documented (but rare) risk of liposuction. Complications occur when fat deposits that have been dislodged during liposuction actually enter the bloodstream.

Surrounding tissues: There are also risks associated with the actual surgery itself such as nerve damage or damage to surrounding tissues and organs. Choosing an experienced cosmetic surgeon is probably the best way to reduce this risk.

Deep vein thrombosis: when a blod clot occurs in the deep veins of the thighs, debilitating problems can occur such as respiratory issues or problems in the leg. Compression devices can reduce this risk.

There are other risks to consider such as heart failure, blood loss, or cosmetic issues. Contact Dr. Mandell-Brown to further discuss these risks and whether you may be particularly prone to experience a complication.