FTM Top Surgery (Transgender Mastectomy)
Are you looking for a skilled and experienced surgeon to perform your transgender breast surgery? Increasingly, patients with gender changes seek Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown’s expertise with FTM breast reduction (top surgery). The Mandell-Brown Plastic Surgery Center caters to chest procedures and facial surgery for both males transitioning to females or females transitioning to males. Dr. Mandell-Brown is dedicated to providing our patients with personalized and natural-looking results from their transgender breast surgery in Cincinnati.
More patients with identity changes are seeking gender-affirming surgery. In several recent studies, gender-affirming surgery has increased 20% over the past several years. Currently, 0.6% of US adults identify as transgender. Dr. Mandell-Brown offers masculinizing top surgery for the transgender female patient desiring a male chest.
Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown
Dr. Mandell Brown is a nationally recognized, triple board-certified cosmetic surgeon with over 30 years of experience performing facial, breast, and body procedures. Known for his Natural Look™ cosmetic surgery results, Dr. Mandell-Brown has the credentials and aesthetic eye to precisely tailor your procedure and safely achieve the results you desire.

Options for Chest Masculinization
There are two types of masculine chest surgery—mastectomy, or ablative, procedures or gynecomastia-type procedures. Chest masculinization has been shown to improve body image and decrease emotional anguish.
For most patients, this protocol is followed by many physicians.

However, Dr. Mandell-Brown emphasizes liposuction and less incisions when possible. He performs aggressive breast liposuction as the breast is often 70 to 80% adipose or fatty tissue.
For patients who have excess skin, a circumareolar or incision around the areola is required. An outer circular incision is made and the skin between the two circles is removed thus tightening the breast and flattening the appearance.
Dr. Mandell-Brown aims to provide the least invasive option possible for achieving your desired result.
Some patients with large pendulous breasts require a vertical mastopexy, also known as the “lollipop” incision often with an anchor incision. Rarely will Dr Mandell-Brown perform a free nipple graft as the patient has a 100% chance of no sensation in this area.
Determining masculine nipple placement

The male NAC (Nipple Areola Complex) is 36% size of female, among other differences:
- Male nipple is located inferiorly and laterally
- Horizontal component determined at 4th rib near lateral border of Pectoralis Muscle.
- Vertical component of NAC is confirmed at junction of middle and lateral third
- Symmetry confirmed by creating a triangle
Before & After Gallery
Dr. Mandell-Brown uses advanced techniques to provide natural-looking outcomes. See the results for yourself in our patient gallery.
Recovery from FTM Chest Surgery
During your consultation, Dr. Mandell-Brown can let you know what to expect during your recovery. Our team will also provide you with post-operative instructions following your female to male chest surgery in Cincinnati. Most of our patients return to work in two weeks.
How painful is a breast reduction?

We find that patients actually have less pain or discomfort than a from a breast augmentation with implants. Typically, pain pills are used for a few days.
In the Media
Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown authored the article “Female to Male Top Surgery Protocols,” which was published in Aesthetic Authority (Summer 2021).
In the article, Dr. Mandell-Brown details his treatment protocol for addressing female to male breast reduction surgically and through minimally invasive procedures.
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Medically reviewed by Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown — Updated on Sep 9, 2024