Don’t blink! You don’t want to miss this one¦ the first medication approved by the Food and Drug Administration for better looking lashes is now available. It’s called Latisse. It’s now at doctors offices and pharmacies by prescription only. You simply put a drop a night on an eyelash brush and line your lashes. Research shows, it gives you longer, thicker lashes while you sleep.
What is Latisse?

Latisse is a different formulation of Lumigan, a popular glaucoma drug that has been used for several years. The active ingredient –bimatoprost – has been shown to keep eyelashes in their growth phase when applied continuously to the upper eyelid, resulting in increased length, thickness, and color.
In studies, it worked two to four weeks out, but the final studies showed it takes about four months and 78 percent of people will have improvement in eyelash growth and thickness.
What’s really interesting about all this is the way this medication was discovered. It was originally used for reducing eye pressure related to an eye disease called glaucoma. But those using it made an interesting discovery when they looked in the mirror, they found their eyelashes were getting thicker and longer. So much so, that pictures by the company that makes Latisse show quite a comparison after several weeks of use. the problem is that while this wanted results are happening, a few unwanted things can happen, too.
There’s three side effects in about four percent of those who use it, number one, redness around the eye, number two, itching by the eye and number three, increased pigmentation around the eyelash area.
Those do appear to go away if you stop using the product, which brings up an important point¦so do the longer thicker lashes.
Once you stop using it, the eyelashes do revert, so it’s exactly like Botox.
How much does Latisse cost in Cincinnati?
The regular price for one box is $130.

Before and after Latisse
How do I apply Latisse?
Patients are instructed on how to brush Latisse on the base of the upper eyelids with a special applicator. After just a few weeks, the results can be observed. Use of Latisse must be continued in order to maintain the desirable effects.
How effective is Latisse for lash growth?
In clinical trials with Latisse, the average participant had a 25 percent increase in length and 106 percent increase in fullness!
Latisse is FDA approved to treat hypotrichosis, a condition characterized by inadequate eyelashes. It is available only by prescription. To be considered, patients should be healthy with no associated allergies. If you are dissatisfied with your eyelashes, contact us for more information on this exciting new cosmetic breakthrough!
Cost of Latisse
It costs about $130 a bottle, which lasts you about about a month. Any physician can prescribe this medication, but several cosmetic surgery centers now have it available on-site.
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Medically reviewed by Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown — Updated on Mar 11, 2024